Wednesday, July 2, 2008

4th of July. Dump the Beer, Grab the Pitchers and make some Vodka Mojitos and Pomegranate Punch

Come on. I understand tradition. Being a former Detroiter, I can perfectly acknowledge the whole beer/dogs/burgers/ketchup-relish thing you have going for this coming weekend. But isn't it time to just change it up a bit? JUST A BIT?
Marinate that meat son! Go ahead, rub that big ole steak with some good ole Texas beef rub (Or what I like to call a Friday night in a crowded bar) and get it ready for the grill. Soak those ears of corn in some water and put those babies right on the grill, but instead of filling that cooler, grab a pitcher, a big ass pitcher, and do this:

Grab that bottle of Zodiac Vodka
Buy some peach schnapps (Any kind, just don't be cheap)
sweet and sour mix
and while you're at the store, but some club soda and pomegranate juice

In the pitcher Mix:
7 1.2 ounces of Zodiac
3 ounces of peach schnapps
12 ounces of sweet and sour
Shake/stir/rumba with these ingrediants, make it look like you really know what your doing, especially in that apron.
Take a large glass and fill with ice. 14 ounce glass is perfect, and pour in enough to cover the ice, but leave a little room at the top. Add 1/2 ounce of Soda and 1/2 ounce of Pomegranate (more for more sweetness) want watch the pomegranate juice move down to the bottle of the glass. (Make sure the glasses are see thru for the best visual effect!)
2 of these and your guest will not even care that you just burned the steaks.
Look for the mojito recipe later this week.
What are you kids doing for the 4th?